Monday, April 6, 2009


Hey Everyone! Chris and I (mainly me!) decided to start a page so that anyone who cares about our wedding planning can know what is going on. We forget who we have told what and who cares to know what, so everyone will have access to anything they care to know about! If you don't care about it, then don't read!

We got engaged on March 17th 2009 in Pigeon Forge TN on our vacation. Chris gave me a beautiful ring that I instantly recognized as my Granny's. He got the ring from my sister Cail and had some work done on it to make it new again. He succeeded! I was thrilled and am In love with my ring!

First things first, we agreed on a date - December 12, 2009. I wanted the fall. Chris wanted January. We compromised and that date was decided!

As we began to think about planning I asked Chris how involved he wanted to be. He told me to to tell him when and where...and he would be there. While I do tell him everything that happens during the process, if doesn't care about things such as center pieces and colors, I'm not going to be offended.

I have selected my bridesmaids...and asked them to be in the wedding. While, I believe Chris has made his selections, I don't think he has asked anyone as of yet. He feels he has "plenty of time" My bridesmaids will be:

Maid of Honor: Anna Newsome / Younger Sister
Matron of Honor: Cail Newsome Hammons / Older Sister
Bridesmaid: Jenny Bellamy Mooney / Childhood friend
Bridesmaid: Rebecca Johnson Lee / Childhood friend
Bridesmaid: Courtney Henowitz / College friend

My sisters, brother- in- law and I visited a potential wedding location a few weeks ago. We toured Rock Eagle in Eatonton, GA. Chris and I like the Rock Eagle location for many reasons. First of all, it is centrally located between our two families. Second, initially, it appears to be within our budgets.

Possible reception location - Pavalion at Rock Eagle

Possible ceremony location. Chapel at Rock Eagle

(walking distance to pavalion)

Inside Chapel

Thats all for now. I will update soon with pictures from mine and Anna's bridesmaid dress shopping trip as well as details from my meeting with a wedding planner.

Until next time!
