Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Mothers Daughter

In honor of Mothers Day, I have composed a list of the many ways I am like my Mama :)

1. I do not put my pots and pans in the dishwasher. Although some of them claim to be dishwasher safe, I follow Mama's principle, that they shouldn't go in with food on them, and by the time I went to all the trouble to half clean them, I might as well finish it off!
2. In related items, I rinse/wash all my dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.
3. I love sitting by a pool. As kids, we spent our days at the "country club" . Back then, I didn't really realize just how much Mama really loved the pool as much as we do! But this woman is the reason my sisters and I are all water babies! Mama loves the beach, the ocean, the pool....she loves being in the sun and around water!!
4. I hate to sweat. I am not the most outdoorsy girl....and I do not really thrive on exercise. My sisters and my dad are exactly the opposite. But THIS, I get from my mom.
5. My name is Susan :)
6. Mama and I have both broken a leg/foot
7. Cream of Mushroom soup is a staple of my pantry. Seeing as most of my recipes are Mama's....I need this key ingredient to prefect many of her masterpieces :)
8. I cannot keep a secret and I hate surprises! I open my gifts before Christmas. Or I trick people into telling me what they are. Very few times have I actually been truly surprised in public. Most of the time, I find out, enjoy my moment alone, then act surprised later. I get this from my Mama....
9. I have really healthy teeth! Something Mama claims comes from her side :)
10. I am cryer. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and so does Mama. If I need to cry about something, I know just who to call....
11. Mama and I both love our televisions and our television shows. While I know it would be better for me to be outside enjoying the sunshine...a truly relaxing day involves laying on my couch watching TV.
12. The power of the nap! This is something I might have gotten from my Dad as well, but us Newsomes know how to nap. My husband is not a good napper. But I can take a "30 minute power nap" any time any place. Sunday afternoons in our house growing up, in between morning church and evening church was NAP time. I still take naps on Sunday afternoons!
13. Comet. There are a lot of things out these days to clean a bathroom with, but nothing cleans like Comet and a sponge.
14. In my parents house, there is a cabinet that is strictly for Mom's use. A junk drawer. A place to save little nick knacks. If you ask my mom if she remembers if she talked to one of my sisters she might say "oh I don't know!" If i ask if she knows where that blue crayon hair bow I wore in my second grade school pictures, she can put her hands on it in less than 2 minutes! I, like my Mama, save things that I think are special.
15.  I am not a fan of birds.  Growing up, birds would occasionally get caught on our screened in porch.  Nothing brings more panic than a rouge bird flapping in my face.  Mama agrees....
16.  I am left handed.  Actually, both Mama and Daddy are left handed.....and me :)
17.  Mama and I are NOT dog people.  Mama is barely a pet person at all.  But a dog jumping on us, licking us.....smelling like a not something we enjoy.  Over the years Mama has come to tolerate and maybe even love our family cat - Rose.  But that is where she draws the line.

18.  Mama is ridiculously silly! Growing up she did not just mother and parent us, she played with us.  She has given us all a love of laughter and being silly!

19.  Mama is an excellent nurse when you are sick!  I am able to be the same way when my husband is sick (although he rarely excepts my help) but my Mama - man, she takes the cake.  She truly knows how to take care of a sick person.  Even now when I am sick, I really only want my Mama!

20.  If one of these days when the time comes, I am HALF The mom as her, I will have really really lucky kids.....

Happy Mothers Day to my Mama! Thank you for making me such a unique person.  I smile when I realize I am doing something because its the way you taught me to!  From the way my kitchen is arranged, to how I do my laundry and the type of detergent I use, all the way down to how I fold my towels - you taught me well! Aside from the household similarities, you made me a woman who knows how to laugh, how to love, and how to cry.  I love you!!!