Friday, August 7, 2009

3 Months, 29 Days

So according to my little countdown I added on here, it appears our seeminly 8 month stretch is narrowing down on us. Cail informed me today that as of today, I have the amount of time she planned her entire wedding in. Yikes!

A lot has been taken care of, but there is a lot yet to do. I have ordered my veil and my dress should come in sometime in September. Chris picked out the tuxedos and I got an email out to the groomsmen and Dads regarding that earlier today. The guest list is confirmed and only lacking a few addresses which I am working on getting.

The hardest part is scheduling the fall weekends! Scheduling showers and events around football season has become very difficult. I have been offered a shower by my bridesmaid Rebecca and her sweet Mom - "Miss Jo" in Warrenton. This will be on Oct. 11th. My Aunt Ann and cousin Dana are hosting a shower in Augusta on Oct. 10th. It will be a fun filled shower weekend, but I am just glad to have two dates set in stone. So now, I am working on getting together my guests lists for these two events.

On top of wedding planning, Chris and I have a bit of "life planning" going on as well. Im off to Orlando for a conference next week in hopes of securing some job opportunties. Chris and I are fairly certain my career will be moving us to Atlanta. A little over a year ago, we strategically placed ourselves in jobs at Lake Oconee as we tried to finally start planning a life together. But God had different plans for us, and I can honestly say, we are truly excited about whatever is next. As I try to firm up my career plans, Chris is looking for a job in Atlanta, and we are trying to find a place to live. Anna and I did a bit of apartment searching a few weekends ago, but essentially struck out. Once I return from Orlando, hopefully we will have some official news on my job and can start making more definate decisions about our future.

Thats all I have for now. To whoever out there actually reads this, thanks! And more later !

Leigh and Chris