Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3, 1996

September 3, 1996

On September 3, 1996, I was 12 & 1/2  (that 1/2 was very important in those days!).  I was in the 7th grade at Warren County High School.  I had just recently joined the youth group at church, which was probably considered one of the most important things in the world at that time in my life.  My best friends were Jenny, Tiffany and Rebecca.  Every day I rode to school with Cail, who was a senior in high school.  She was still driving Maurus the Taurus at this time, and I would tell on her for playing her music too loudly and driving too fast.   

For the 3 weeks proceeding September 3, things in our house had been in a bit of a whirlwind.  School had started, but Granny had gone into the hospital right around the same time.  Realize, my memory on those weeks is from a 12 years old's perspective.  I remember it was not serious when she had first gone in.  Then I remember she had a heart attack while there which escalated the severity of the situation.  Then, she started getting better again, and everyone seemed to be breathing a little lighter.  Mama was gone to Augusta a lot.  But as Granny started improving, she started being home more.  Then one night around dinner time Mama got a phone call from Uncle Hollie that things were no longer so good.  My Aunt and Uncle flew in from Texas.  Mama left that night after dinner.  Going to Augusta when it was dark outside meant things were once again very serious. 

We went to the hospital to visit her.  Mama talked to Anna and I outside the ICU doors and explained to us what we would see when we went back.  Granny would look different, she said.  Our fears over took us, and we ultimately decided not to go back.  This is a decision the adult me is very glad for.  My memories of her are only precious…not riddled with medicine and scary images.

September 3, Cail pulled into the driveway after school with Anna and I and Daddy’s car was home.  I knew something was going on for his car to be home that early.  When we went inside, Mama and Daddy quickly ushered us into the living room.  The lamps were all off, but the sunlight lit the room from the sliding glass doors.  They explained that morning Granny had gone to be with Jesus in heaven, and how grateful we should be she was no longer sick.  There were tears, of course.  We adored our Granny.  She was, in the strongest sense of the word, beloved. As we all scattered from the living room, Daddy made Anna and I a snack.  Sliced Apples in the small silver mixing bowl with cinnamon sprinkled on top.  All these 18 years later, and I still remember that snack.  It’s amazing what the mind zeroes in on. 

We sat on the porch and ate our snack and then was a sudden heavy downpour.  I remember thinking it truly felt like the angels were crying with us.  Just as suddenly as it had started, the rain stopped and a huge visible rainbow filled the muggy sky. My parent’s house is surrounded by pine trees in all directions.  The fact that we saw that rainbow at all is a miracle in and of itself.   I knew in my heart God was telling me she was there, and she was okay now.  And I felt peace.

So on today, 18 years later, I am reminded of that day.  The day we said goodbye to one of the most wonderful people you would ever know.  And the day, for the first time in my life, I felt the embrace of God’s love and faithfulness.   Anytime I have had doubts over the years, I try to remember that afternoon, and those apples, and that downpour, and that rainbow, and remember that not only does he have my Granny safely in his arms, but he has me too.  

Mothers Day Brunch at FBC - 1995
Granny meets her 13th Grandchild with big sis Cail- BABY ME! (Leigh) 

"I dreamed of a city called Glory,

And it was So bright and so fair
When I entered that gates I cried, "Holy"
O, The angels all met me there
They carried me from mansion to mansion,
And oh the sites I saw.
But I said, "I want to see Jesus,
The One who died for all."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Chris and I moved into our first apartment in October of 2009, a month and a week before our wedding.  We lived there for our first year of marriage, and will always remember it as our first home together.  However, it was such a transitional year, it never really felt 100% like home.

We moved in October 2010 to the suburbs.  Our second apartment had two bedrooms, but I would grow to hate the small kitchen.  We spent two years in our second apartment, and looking back, I will probably say that is the first place we felt like a "family".  We really loved our little apartment, but after two years, we knew it was time for that next step.....

We were not ready to buy.  There are just so many options in the metro Atlanta, and we are still just not positive where we want to be permenantly.  So, we decided to find a house to rent.  We searched online for weeks.  We then spent a few weeks riding around looking at houses from the outside.  Then, we finally made the leap at set some appointments for a showing. We saw several houses we really liked, and would have been happy in, but we just did not feel 100% sure about anything.  In the second to last neighborhood we were in, we toured two houses.  On our way out, Chris noticed someone putting a "For Rent" sign in from of a pretty house with a stone front and a balcony.  We both agreed it was probably out of our budget, but jotted down the address anyway. 

The next day, on my way home from work, I took a detour to go by the house with the stone front and wrote down the phone number on the sign.  I called from the driveway to find out the house was practically rented.  Someone had seen it that first day and had put an application on it.  However, if I wanted I could come by and see if the next day just in case something fell through. 

Well, even though I felt confident I was setting myself up for disappointment, I went by anyway.  Chris was at work, but the house was suprisingly in our budget, and in a good neighborhood.

When I walked in, I knew, that for the first time since leaving my parents house 3 years before, I was home.  I called Chris panicking!  I did not want to make a deposit or apply for a house he had never seen, but I just KNEW this was it, and didnt want to walk away and loose it to someone else.  Chris talked me off the ledge, and reminded me if it was meant to be, it would happen. 

Chris went by and saw it without me the next day, and after a few more bumps and curves, we signed the lease.

We hope this our last move for awhile.  We moved the weekend before Thanksgiving and have already had many wonderful memories in our house.  We look forward to many more.

We spent our 3 year anniversary in our house! 

Very excited to have our anniversary dinner on our dining room table

Lucy really enjoyed watching the fire at Christmas! 

For our Birthday's , my parents bought us awesome patio furniture for our giant deck - a craigslist find!! 

With our Christmas money from Chris's parents, we bought our grill!  So excited to finally be able to have grilled food again.  One of these things you really miss in apartment life. 

I was excited so get draperies and some new decor for our dining room.  The table was built for my Granny by my Dad over 30 years ago.  He rebuilt it for Cail about 10 years ago, and now it gets a new moment in the sun! 

Lucy enjoys watching the squirrels run around on the deck.  We tried to tell her that she is part squirrel, but she does not seem to care! 

So, that's our little Early 2013 update.  There really is No place like home!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lessons from Daddy

 For Mothers Day, I wrote an extensive list of ways I am like my mom, for Father’s Day, I am going to follow a similar pattern and compile a list of the top 10 things my Dad has taught me:

 1)      Daddy insisted on teaching me how to do the basics when it came to my car.  He said it I was going to drive, I needed to know how to do a few simple tasks.  I can now officially check my oil, check my tire pressure, and in theory I can change a flat tire.  I am very very good at checking my oil levels.  And in the situation of an extreme emergency, I am pretty sure I could change a flat tire, although, I maintain that’s what we pay for road side assistance for!

 2)      In other car related items, Daddy taught me how to parallel park.  Granted, I don’t do it very often, but bottom line is – I CAN if I have to.  When I was in the weeks leading up to my 16Th birthday, Daddy took me to the WCHS parking lot in the red explorer and used HIMSELF! as the “cone” to teach me to parallel park.  That is a lot of pressure for a 16 year old girl!  “Not only will you not get your licenses, but you run the risk of running your father over with a car”  I may not have agreed with the tactics, but now every time I parallel park, I imagine the car in front of me as my Dad, and try very hard not to hit it.

 3)      It really cannot be avoided – but my Dad has taught me all about the floor covering business.  I did not necessarily think this is what I would do when I was a little girl, but it has turned into my career and I have been doing it for almost 10 years now.  Daddy has been my mentor and my friend professionally and I know if I am ever stumped he is the person to call. 

 4)      Daddy taught me how to water ski and snow ski!  (Which are nothing alike….no matter anyone tells you!  The only similarity is the ability to balance yourself in an upright position) My father does not believe in “quitting”  With water skiing, he drug us around the lake in a half up squatting position on our water skis until we GOT IT! You would say “ok, I think that is a good enough lesson for today” and he would make us try again.  The good news is that we are all relatively good at both sports now because of his insistence on teaching us the basics!

  5)      My Dad taught me to honor my parents.  While it seems like a selfish lesson, watching my Dad care for his mom in the last years of her life gave me an invaluable lesson on treating your parents with the respect and honor they deserve.  For all of my 28 years, my mom and dad have sacrificed and put my sisters and I first.  While there were definitely some years were  I may not have done everything I could to make him proud, I now do everything in my power to honor my parents in the way I live my life and how I love and care for my family.  I may not always succeed, but I always strive to make them proud.

 6)      I mentioned this is my post about Mom too, but Daddy taught us ALL how to nap! That man can take a nap anytime, any place.  Napping is a very valuable life skill.  Believe me.

 7)      Daddy has taught me to stand up for myself and to learn to have thicker skin!  I am a self proclaimed “sensitive person”.  Learning how to express myself and keep my emotions in check is a constant battle, but Daddy’s guidance and support has taught me how to handle things maturely and logically.  'Most' of the time I do the best I can.

8) Mama and Daddy introduced me to something very early in my life to assure that I would never be lonely.  To assure when I felt there were no answers in life, I would have no doubt were to look.  From very early on, we went to church.  Daddy taught us about God and I am so grateful for that gift that he gave us.  

9) Daddy has told us our entire life "I will be walking when you are crawling!" and I truly believe it!  He has taught me that you are only as old as you feel, and Dad has made a conscience effort to NOT be old.  He is a "get up and go" type of guy.  Sitting around is not something you will see my Dad do often.  He will either be fiddling in the yard, working on his latest article on his computer, or, of course, off at the coast sailing on his boat!  I am thankful that my Dad leads an active life, and that he has taught me to enjoy life! Daddy told me one time that you will spend your entire life waking up doing what you have to do instead of what you want to do.  And that when they day comes that you wake up and you are doing what you WANT to do instead of what you have to do, to enjoy every minute of it!  Daddy still has a little bit of "have to" in his life, but I am glad he gets to experience some of the "want to" often.  He has earned it!

10) A few miscellaneous lessons:  Daddy taught me how bait a hook when fishing in Miss Bunny's pond.  He taught me how to de-frag my hard drive.  How to ride a bike.  How I am 'supposed' to use a baseball mitt to catch a ball (this is a lesson that definitely did not stick).  How to hook up jumper cables to my car.  How to get home if I ever got lost while out as a teenager (find signs that say "ATLANTA - They will lead you towards home").  How to escape our house in case of a fire (yeah - he was a volunteer fireman.  I specifically remember having a fire drill) 

Happy Fathers Day Daddy!  Thank you for all the lessons you have and continue to give me!  I love you!

In case you did not already realize it, there are not enough words for how much I adore my Daddy :) 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Mothers Daughter

In honor of Mothers Day, I have composed a list of the many ways I am like my Mama :)

1. I do not put my pots and pans in the dishwasher. Although some of them claim to be dishwasher safe, I follow Mama's principle, that they shouldn't go in with food on them, and by the time I went to all the trouble to half clean them, I might as well finish it off!
2. In related items, I rinse/wash all my dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.
3. I love sitting by a pool. As kids, we spent our days at the "country club" . Back then, I didn't really realize just how much Mama really loved the pool as much as we do! But this woman is the reason my sisters and I are all water babies! Mama loves the beach, the ocean, the pool....she loves being in the sun and around water!!
4. I hate to sweat. I am not the most outdoorsy girl....and I do not really thrive on exercise. My sisters and my dad are exactly the opposite. But THIS, I get from my mom.
5. My name is Susan :)
6. Mama and I have both broken a leg/foot
7. Cream of Mushroom soup is a staple of my pantry. Seeing as most of my recipes are Mama's....I need this key ingredient to prefect many of her masterpieces :)
8. I cannot keep a secret and I hate surprises! I open my gifts before Christmas. Or I trick people into telling me what they are. Very few times have I actually been truly surprised in public. Most of the time, I find out, enjoy my moment alone, then act surprised later. I get this from my Mama....
9. I have really healthy teeth! Something Mama claims comes from her side :)
10. I am cryer. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and so does Mama. If I need to cry about something, I know just who to call....
11. Mama and I both love our televisions and our television shows. While I know it would be better for me to be outside enjoying the sunshine...a truly relaxing day involves laying on my couch watching TV.
12. The power of the nap! This is something I might have gotten from my Dad as well, but us Newsomes know how to nap. My husband is not a good napper. But I can take a "30 minute power nap" any time any place. Sunday afternoons in our house growing up, in between morning church and evening church was NAP time. I still take naps on Sunday afternoons!
13. Comet. There are a lot of things out these days to clean a bathroom with, but nothing cleans like Comet and a sponge.
14. In my parents house, there is a cabinet that is strictly for Mom's use. A junk drawer. A place to save little nick knacks. If you ask my mom if she remembers if she talked to one of my sisters she might say "oh I don't know!" If i ask if she knows where that blue crayon hair bow I wore in my second grade school pictures, she can put her hands on it in less than 2 minutes! I, like my Mama, save things that I think are special.
15.  I am not a fan of birds.  Growing up, birds would occasionally get caught on our screened in porch.  Nothing brings more panic than a rouge bird flapping in my face.  Mama agrees....
16.  I am left handed.  Actually, both Mama and Daddy are left handed.....and me :)
17.  Mama and I are NOT dog people.  Mama is barely a pet person at all.  But a dog jumping on us, licking us.....smelling like a not something we enjoy.  Over the years Mama has come to tolerate and maybe even love our family cat - Rose.  But that is where she draws the line.

18.  Mama is ridiculously silly! Growing up she did not just mother and parent us, she played with us.  She has given us all a love of laughter and being silly!

19.  Mama is an excellent nurse when you are sick!  I am able to be the same way when my husband is sick (although he rarely excepts my help) but my Mama - man, she takes the cake.  She truly knows how to take care of a sick person.  Even now when I am sick, I really only want my Mama!

20.  If one of these days when the time comes, I am HALF The mom as her, I will have really really lucky kids.....

Happy Mothers Day to my Mama! Thank you for making me such a unique person.  I smile when I realize I am doing something because its the way you taught me to!  From the way my kitchen is arranged, to how I do my laundry and the type of detergent I use, all the way down to how I fold my towels - you taught me well! Aside from the household similarities, you made me a woman who knows how to laugh, how to love, and how to cry.  I love you!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Toy Story

I recently saw Toy Story 3, and the emotional damage done to me by the movie was very unexpected. I SOBBED when Andy played with his friends for the last time. Not just "movie" tears, but true "this movie has messed up my mind" tears....

I come from a family of people who apply feelings to inadament objects. All my cars have had names. My sisters cars also have names. (BoBo...Baby....Hon-Dos) We all drove our beloved "Maurus the Taurus" All three of us went to college with stuffed animals/blankets from our childhood. (Puffy...Oliver....Caroly...) This attachments to Toys and objects is not something I came up with on my own.

At first, I thought my mom was the blame for our unusual feelings (as adults) towards our "friends". As the years went own, I realized I was wrong. My Dad is the sentimental one! My DAD is the one who saved every relic of his youth from his childhood home when cleaning it out a couple years ago. So with that being said, my Dad has begrudgingly allowed his home to become to havens for our childhood belongings. Maybe he does it because he knows we will be the one responsible for it all eventually. But I have always been comforted knowing where my things where...just in case. Until Toy Story 3.

When the credits rolled on the movie, I had to literally FIGHT the urge to get in my car and drive the 2 1/2 hours to my parents house to crawl into the attic and tell all my toys I still loved them. The only thing that made me able to resist that urge, was that I knew I would have to leave them there. And as much as it breaks my heart to know there are there in the first place, to put them BACK would be torture.
Me around age 3 with a friend I remember calling "Sissy" Is she in the attic waiting for me???

Is this a girl thing? Or is this an "Us" thing. I know my sisters feel the same. I know my husband does not. I am not sure which of us is the worst, but its a close tie between Cail and I. Anna has been able to detach herself from most objects with the exception of her beloved "blankets". But I was the one who wanted the border saved from our room when it was done. Yes, you read correctly. I made my father save WALLPAPER. And he did. What is wrong with me? This cannot be normal? Right?

I vividly remember Anna and I having to choose a toy to donate to a toy drive at our church one Christmas....and how we changed our minds 1000 times before finally deciding on two candy cane dolls...which we only agreed on because we wanted to make sure they ended up together.

With the news of the first grandchild, I had high hopes that some of our old friends might could come out and play again. But April came, and a boy joined our family. So it looks like the Barbies will be stored for awhile longer....

So, who was my "Woody"? The toy taken to college? For me , it was Oliver. Oliver was a stuffed clown I got at the circus when I was in the 3rd grade. Granted, to the outside eye, he was probably pretty creepy, I loved that clown. At first he had really soft hair, but he got ran through the dryer, and it shriveled up a bit. He had a red nose, and it was hard, and he had feet bigger than his head (he was a he had clown shoes...obviously) And Oliver has yet to be put in the attic. He didn't make the move with me, but I couldn't bear to put him away. So, he sits with Rebecca Leigh.

Ah, Rebecca Leigh. Rebecca Leigh is an antique doll that my Granny found in a dumpster when I was very very little. Rebecca Leigh had cracks all over her....and was deemed "fragile" by all the grown ups. To the naked eye, she was trash. She was dingy and the cracks made her look pretty bad. But man did I love her! I named her after myself and my best friend. Everytime I would go to Granny's house I would BEG to see her. Granny would get her down off the top shelf of the closet in the hallway and let me hold her. I had to have been 4 or under when Granny finally allowed Rebecca Leigh to go home with me. And I was soooooo careful with her. When I was maybe 7 or 8, the powers that be decided it was time get her repaired. So Granny flew her to Texas. (in her lap) where she dropped her off with a doll repair lady. This lady would call us and give us updates, and after what seemed like forever, she sent Rebecca Leigh home. Rebecca Leigh is not the type of doll you sleep with at night. She sleeps in her own cradle. My Granny made her all these custom outfits. She had her very own Christmas Dress. She even had her own stocking for spell there. She has afghans and blankets - some of which were made specifically for her. She had her very own waredrobe at one time. She wears baby clothes left over from my sisters and I. But even though she was special and antique, she got played with! One tragic night she was taking a nap on the floor on a pallet in mine and Anna's room, and I ran in to bedroom to get something...and I stepped on her little ceramic leg and crushed it. (lucky for Anna, I was the one who committed this crime...poor Anna might have never heard the end of the time she broke my cat, but that is another story) Oh I was heartbroken!! I just sobbed and sobbed. But my Daddy took her into surgery....and with a little epoxy...and some rubber bands, he saved her leg. She now wears panty hose, as I think they aid in holding her little leg together. Rebecca Leigh will NEVER EVER go into attic...she can sit in the corner of my room at my parents house forever as far as Im concerned. Maybe one day, I will have a little girl who will love her as much as I do....
I have no doubt if i ventured into my parents attic I would know the names of every toy. You dont forget things like that. I also know even at 27, if I looked in the eyes of my old friends, I would have a hard time taking putting them back in storage. But surely they would appreciate a brief reprieve from storage land.....right?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Top 5....

I'm a bit of a gadget girl. Over the years, I have bought many many things. Some of them 100% made an impact on my day to day life. Some of them, were a colossal waste of money (for example - my Palm Pilot bought around 2001....)

Below are the top 5 purchases I have made......

Top 5 Purchases I have Ever Made: (or have been made for me)

1. Chi Flat Iron

My hair is not curly. It is also not straight. I have these weird waves that don't do add anything the over all appearance, just help with the "just got out of bed" look, which I tend not to sport. My sister got a chi when she was in high school. It is a rather pricey gadget, and was pretty hard to justify spending that much on a HAIR tool. But OH. My. God. It is the most effective and easy to use tool for styling hair that I have ever bought. After I used my sisters for a couple a days, I got mine on order. I am relatively low maintenance, and thought I had a grip on my "non-straight" hair with my 20 dollar straightener from Walmart. I WAS WRONG. The Chi has ceramic plates, and gets REALLY hot. I didn't realize the Walmart version wasn't working until I tried the Chi.

2. Bose Speakers

Shortly after I got my first ipod, I realized it was sorta pointless in the grand scheme of "When" I listened to music. In the shower - Not an option. Cleaning - well, it was an option, but after awhile, those ear buds start to hurt. So I decided I would get a speaker for it pretty quickly. The Bose Portable Speakers have a great sound. They are light weight and the battery life is amazing. What is great about the Bose, is that anyone can pick the play list! We have taken it to parties before to have everyone throw their own ipod on at some point during the night. At this point, I have yet to have the battery die on me. It has gone at least 3 hours for us.... (another side night, I'm pretty sure my husband married me strictly for unlimited access to this device)

3. Kindle

Ah, my does not begin to describe my affection for my kindle. I am an avid reader. I will read the same things over and over again...and I will try new books. I could spend HOURS in a book store sifting through my options. With that being said, I was a skeptic when it came to e-readers. I did not want to contribute to the "death of the bookstore". I was convinced I would "lose" part of the reading process by not holding a book in my hand. I love everything about a good book. I like the way the book smells, turning the page ...flipping to the back to see how it ends ;) (I'm a "spoiler" type of girl) My sisters got me my kindle for Christmas last year, and all my doubts went away. The pages LOOK just like a book. There is no glare, which makes it perfect for outdoor reading. You can download samples for free to see what you will think of a book before you buy it. Your book shopping can be done from the comfort of your own home. For the most part, the prices are less than bookstores. While I am still a little sad about book stores becoming a think of the past, I am fully embracing the ereader...I have read 10 times more since Christmas since my Kindle was received than I ever would have read

4. iPhone

This one seems a little cliche, because everyone has one, but the iPhone definitely revolutionized my life. My older sister was the first person in my network to get an iPhone, and literally sang its praises. I didn't quite understand why she went from calling it just her "cellphone" to her "iPhone" Until I got one. This little guy does it all. Facebook? Check. Cookbook? Check. Entertainment during long car rides? Check. There is seriously an app for anything you can think of. The other night I discovered a mosquito repellent app (OK..I'm not so sure about that one...but still) It is AWESOME having all my contacts, my music, my email, and anything else I am missing in one hand. I was late to the iPhone band wagon and bought the 3GS shortly after the 4G was released. I have lots of friends and family who are exclusively "droid" followers, but I am officially on the iPhone bandwagon and am proud of it.

5. GPS

I have a horrible sense of direction. I know a lot of people say that, but for me it is painfully true. I remember being a teenager and calling my Dad anytime I went to downtown Augusta saying "Dad! I'm in South Carolina!! I took a wrong turn!! What do I do??" and Dad would say "Turn around" Growing up, I knew if I got lost in Augusta, all I had to do was follow the signs "To Atlanta" and I would end up pointed in the right direction. It was sort of a no brainer for me to get a GPS for my car when the technology became available. Surprise surprise, my parents got it for me for my birthday. (considering they had been on the other end of my "lost" phone calls for years) And suddenly, with one simply purchase, I knew where I was going. I moved to Atlanta shortly after I joined the GPS age, and I would probably still be wandering around if not for my Magellan.

So, there you have it. 5 Investments that revolutionized my life. I am now a girl with straight hair, music to read my kindle too, an iPhone to let my friends know about my books, and a GPS to make sure I don't get lost.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8 Months 27 days of Wedded Bliss...

Well, according to my countdown clock Chris and I have been married for 8 months and 27 days. So far , our first year has gone extremely well. We have enjoyed living in the same city for the first time in our going on 6 year (yikes!) relationship. Sharing an apartment was just icing on the cake!

We have spent the year living right in the middle of the city. Our apartment overlooks Peachtree Street and I-85. Never in a million years did I think I would live in Atlanta. Much less right in the middle of the city! Ive had to get used to going to sleep to the sound of the interstate underneath my window...instead of the crickets Ive enjoyed the past 25 years of in Warrenton....Some days when I get off the interstate and I see the Atlanta skyline I have to remind myself it is real, and this is my life. Ive never been quiet sure that I was a good fit for city life...and Im still not sure. I miss the quiet summer nights in Warrenton....I miss seeing my parents every day....but, so it is with the adjustment period.

While we arent quite sure if we are ready to say goodbye to city life, our rising rent has forced us to move again...just one year later. We are moving about 20 miles outside Atlanta....which will put me 20 miles closer to work...(but Chris 20 miles further away....) Our rent is drastically less expensive...and we know its the best move for us. We are getting a larger place for less, over all we are exicted!

In other news, we got a cat. Both of us left our cats with our parents. Chris was sad to leave the TWENTY year old Gizmo behind, but knew the move wouldnt be good for her. I hated to leave my beloved Rosie, (she is 11) but she would never be happy away from "her" house. So, around April we got us a "city kitty" . Her name is Lucy and she is really silly and sweet! She bites a lot, but she makes us laugh. She howls at our bedroom door at 7:00 a.m. every morning wanting us to get up and play with her.....She also likes to sit in the windows and watch the traffic on the interstate. She has just now taken to wanting to go on the porch with us, and play with the moths! When Chris is working late, I enjoy having some company.

That is our little update...I know no one reads this, but I enjoy looking back later on and seeing what we were doing.

To internet world.....

Keeping Rocking and Rolling!